Hi all,
I have inherited an oil portrait of this chap who is the brother of my Great (*7) Grandmother:
https://threedecks.org/index.php?displa ... n&id=12402
I am attempting to verify the artist and a date would help significantly in this - I was hoping someone might be able to help me date the uniform?
He was made Captain in 1777 and pensioned off as Rear Admiral in 1794.
Any help most welcome!
Captain Hugh Robinson Uniform date
Re: Captain Hugh Robinson Uniform date
I'm no uniform expert but according to Brian Lavery, Nelson's Navy, epaulettes were introduced for captains in 1795, so the portrait is presumably from before that date. I think it was common, although not universal, for captains to have their portraits done when they achieved that rank, so this might have been painted in 1777 or as soon thereafter as Captain Robinson had some time ashore or in port where there was a portrait painter. He looks fairly old, so perhaps it was done after the war, when he was no longer on active duty. But it has to be before 1795.