First Battle of Stromboli

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First Battle of Stromboli

Post by JohnH »

Ted Sozaev is asking on the Voyforums website for the composition of the Spanish fleet at the First Battle of Stromboli off Messina on 11 February 1675. Details were posted on that site some time ago. Ted had a copy but lost it due to a problem with his computer.
Admiral of the Fleet
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Re: First Battle of Stromboli

Post by Cy »

Not a list, but Serge Gauthard posted the following on Voy in Nov. 2016, might help a little

escadre espagnole pour la campagne de Messine de 1674 à 1676:
Armée et réunie à partir d’août à septembre 1674 à Barcelone:
19 vaisseaux et galions dont 5 de l'escadre de Flandres et 2 de la division de Naples.
liste des pertes :
- 1 capturé par deux vaisseaux FR.le 16 Août 1674 .
- 1 naufrage au détroit de Messine le 01 Février 1675.
- 1 capturé par FR. Première Bataille de Stromboli le 11 Février 1675.
- 4 naufrages par orage sur les cotes prés de Messine les 5 et 6 Novembre 1675 .( + 2 échoués, en partie démâtés mais renfloués.)
- 1 échoué et brûlé par FR. Combat de Scilla le 06 Novembre 1675.
+ 1 repris aux FR. le 7 ou 8 Novembre 1675.
- 6 brûlés par FR à la Bataille de Palerme le 2 Juin 1676.

au total l'escadre à perdue 14 de ses 19 Vaisseaux ou Galions armés à Barcelone.

PS: escadre renforcée de 4 vaisseaux à partir fin 1675 : 1 avec l'arrivée de l'escadre Hollandaise et 3 ou 4 avant la Bataille de Palerme.
Quand l'escadre de Ruyter relâche en Espagne, elle devait être renforcée par 7 vaisseaux espagnols mais 1 seul pourra être armé.

Translation to English (by google)

Spanish squadron for the Messina campaign from 1674 to 1676:
Army and reunited from August to September 1674 in Barcelona:
19 ships and galleons including 5 from the Flanders squadron and 2 from the Naples division.
list of losses:
- 1 captured by two ships FR.the 16 August 1674.
- 1 shipwreck at the Strait of Messina on 01 February 1675.
- 1 captured by FR. First Battle of Stromboli on February 11, 1675.
- 4 shipwrecks by storm on the coast near Messina on November 5 and 6, 1675. (+ 2 stranded, partly dismasted but bailed out.)
- 1 failed and burned by FR. Fight of Scilla on November 06, 1675.
+ 1 taken back to FR. November 7th or 8th, 1675.
- 6 burned by FR at the Battle of Palermo on June 2, 1676.

in total the squadron lost 14 of its 19 vessels or Galleons armed in Barcelona.

PS: reinforced squadron of 4 ships from late 1675: 1 with the arrival of the Dutch squadron and 3 or 4 before the Battle of Palermo.
When the squadron Ruyter release in Spain, it should be reinforced by 7 Spanish ships but only 1 can be armed.
OK, it was me, probably!
Admiral of the Fleet
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Re: First Battle of Stromboli

Post by Cy »

There are some references to the Spanish fleet, links to sources on Archive,org, at Palermo on Voy at
Bit after Stromboli but might give some hints.

Links are ... 1/mode/2up
OK, it was me, probably!
Warrant Officer
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Re: First Battle of Stromboli

Post by JohnH »

Thanks Cy. That's very helpful.
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